Thursday, March 25, 2010

Almost there!

We know, you are ready to sweat. Believe it or not, we are ready for you to sweat, although that seems a little demented.

Anywho, we are close, real close. Our engineer is almost to a final product on our vibration free stand. We cannot wait for you to see what we have come up with. It is all pretty amazing. All of the electrical components are ready for order. Once the products post, do us a favor and buy, sweat, and contribute a little to our energy conundrum.

To make sure that we have fun along the way, we came up with an additional product. They are bike stools made from junker bikes. Now these can be used in many ways, but we suspect they will be used to sit and stare at the amazing system your friends will be using as they create clean and pure energy.

You can pick these up on our website at:

We love you, more news soon!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Beginning

This is the beginning. The beginning of pedal power, or as we like to call it "Sweat Power". By beginning, we do not mean to imply that this is a new idea. In fact, depending on who you talk to, or at least those with enough savvy to create websites, this idea has been around since the Seventies. That makes sense considering the state of the union and the rise in popularity of the bicycle, namely the ten speed. You have even probably had this idea.

No, by beginning we mean the start of Sweat Power. We are setting out to provide a simple, low cost, high quality pedal power system that even the most common Joes and Janes can operate and enjoy. We have no illusion that our product will be able to power your refrigerator or your drill press. Sweat doesn't even begin to describe what it would take on your part to undertake that. Instead we hope to help you power the small things in your life. We will settle for laptops, some kitchen appliances, lighting, and even your TV.

By beginning we mean start of you turning sweat into power. So much energy... so much of your energy is wasted. True you get a significant amount of exercise. That alone is worth doing it. But don't you wish that you could get a little more out of you investment. That is where we want to help. We want to help you get more from something you are already doing or thinking about doing.

Sweat Power makes sense. You need exercise, you got it. You need some energy, you got it. You need some energy in an emergency, you got it. You need to save a small amount of money, you got it. You need a concert in the middle of nowhere, you got it.

So from the founders to you, we present Sweat Power.

Let the sweating begin!